Switchfoot - I Turn Everything Over vaizdo klipas

Kitu Switchfoot dainų žodžiai

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I Turn Everything Over dainos žodžiai

Monday found me on my knees again
Breathing You in
To blur the lines that mark where I begin
And where You end
No use in trying to pretend
Come take me again
'Cause rumor has it I'm not who I've been
Come define me What can we do
If the rumors are true? I turn everything over
I turn myself in
I turn everything over
I turn myself in
There's nothing left for me to defend
I turn everything over
I turn myself in, yeah
The evidence convicts the hollow men
After looking inside
To my dismay I find I'm just one of them
'Cause I'm an already but not yet
resurrected fallen man
Come break this limbo
And I know You know just who I've been
Come define me Rumor has it You love me
Rumor has it the world spins upside down
Rumor has my only hope is You
And the rumors are true
I turn everything over


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