Switchfoot - Golden vaizdo klipas

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Golden dainos žodžiai

She's alone tonight,
With a bitter cup and,
She's undone tonight,
She's all used up, She's been staring down the demons,
Who've been screaming she's just another so and so,
Another so and so You are golden,
You are golden, Child You are golden,
(Don't let go)
(Don't let go tonight) There's a fear that burns,
Like trash inside
And you're ashamed of the curse,
That burns your eyes You've been hiding in your bedroom,
Hoping this isn't not how the story has to go
It's not the way it goes, It's your book now,
You're, Golden,
You are golden, Child You are golden,
(Don't let go)
(Don't let go tonight) You're a lonely soul,
Inlet of broken hearts
You're far from home,
It's a perfect place to start
(Burn, Burn!) So this final verse,
Is a contradiction
And the more we learn,
The less we know We've been talkin' about a feeling,
We both know inside but couldn't find the words
I couldn't write this verse,
I've seldom been so sure,
About anything before Golden,
You are Golden, Child You are Golden,
(Don't let go)
(Don't let go tonight) This world is a dead man down (Golden, you are)
Every breath is a singing crown away, (Golden, Child, you are)
Like some debilitated king, (Golden, don't let go)
Don't let go tonight Earth Spins and your mind goes round' (Golden, you are)
Green comes on the frozen ground, (Golden, Child, you are)
And everything will be made new again, (Golden)
Like freedom and spring, (Golden, Golden)
Hey, like freedom and spring, (Golden, you are, hey)
Like freedom and spring (Golden, Child, you are)


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