P.O.D - Going In Blind vaizdo klipas

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Going In Blind dainos žodžiai

For now this is what I can make up: One Day... Some day.. This life *not* like you wanted it.
His eyes I can see again, I need you here.
In your mind nobody's listening.
It's alright not to feel again,
Just breath again... Time after time I walk the fine line,
But something keeps bringing me back.
Time after time I'm going in blind,
I don't know which way I need to go... Feels like your world is caving in
And I cry, failing to understand,
I wish I can...
It's alright if you're missing him,
In his eyes you can live again,
Free within! Time after time I walk the fine line,
But something keeps bringing me back.
Time after time I'm going in blind,
I don't know which way I need to go! Time after time I walk the fine line,
But something keeps bringing me back.
Time after time I can't see the signs,
I don't know which way I need to go!
Though all these roads lead me back to you...
I don't know which way I need to go.
One day Some day! Time after time I walk the fine line,
But something keeps bringing me back.
Time after time I'm going in blind,
I don't know WHICH way I need to go! Time after time I walk the fine line,
But something keeps bringing me back.
Time after time I can't see the signs
to all these roads leading me back to you,
One day....


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