Janet Jackson - You Want This vaizdo klipas

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Janet Jackson

You Want This dainos žodžiai

My girls, goin 'round talking'
They say that you've been, watchin' me boy
I know by the way you're talking
That you're really tryin' to get to me boy
Not anyone i'll just let in my heart
You have to be hungry for me, girls may have been easy
But you you have to please me, what makes you think
That I can say this to you, I know how bad you want this 1-If you want my future then, you better work it boy
No it won't come easy, I know you want this
By the time I'm through with you
You'll be begging me for more I know, your whole story
Because you're fine and, and you know it
You think that you can have me
Just listen closely, no it ain't so easy
Every word you said I have heard before Girls may have been easy, but you have to please me
One thing I've been told, nothing else compares
To this loving body, if you want my future then
You better work it boy, no it won't come easy
I know you want this, by the time i'm through with you
You'll be begging me for more, so you want my loving'
I know you want this
(repeat 1, 1) You want this, don't you? you want this, say it
You want this, you want this
Can you handle this, well, come here then Early in the mornin', late in the evening
Just about around midnight
'Cause you know i'll do you right, baby
What's my name baby, 'cause you gotta say my name baby
Just a little bit louder now
Just a little bit softer now, nice and easy


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