Tony Bennett - Yesterday I Heard The Rain vaizdo klipas

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Tony Bennett

Yesterday I Heard The Rain dainos žodžiai

Yesterday I Heard the Rain
Tony Bennett
Written by Gene Lees and Armando Manzanero

Apparently never charted by anyone but it remains a nice song that was put on LP's by
Everyone from Vicki Carr, Roy Clark, and Shirley Bassey to Perry Como, Percy Faith and
Frank Sinatra

Yesterday I heard the rain whispering your name
Asking where you'd gone
It fell softly from the clouds on the silent crowds
As I wandered on
Out of doorways black umbrellas came to pursue me
Faceless people as they passed were looking through me
No one knew me

Yesterday I shut my eyes, face-up to the skies
Drinking in the rain
But your image still was there floating in the air
Brighter than a flame
Yesterday I saw a city full of shadows without pity
And I heard the steady rain whispering your name
Whispering your name

Yesterday I saw a city full of shadows without pity
And I heard the steady rain whispering your name
Whispering your name


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