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Where Will You Be dainos žodžiai

How many lives in this earth time
You are my soul and this you are
Two souls intertwined that's what we are

We can we walk hand in hand
All the life
Be the one everything to me
You I am dreaming
We have lived and known before I feel it

Where will you lie

When will I know
When you are gone
Where I be and I will miss you
We are this love in this life
Two souls intertwined like once before
See this meeting, hand in hand
Every life
Be the one everything to me
You are my feeling

No need to fear this love of life
We are the truth of every earth life
No need to fear this life at all
We are the sun and everlasting life
Where will you be hearing this song
How many lives in this earth time
You are my soul and this you are
You are my soul and this you are

Where will you be


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