Celine Dion - What A Wonderful World vaizdo klipas

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Celine Dion

What A Wonderful World dainos žodžiai

(Thank you...so very much!I would like... on behalf of all the dancers the musicians
the singers
the technicians...people you didn't even see during the show tonight who are part of this amazing family!I want you to know that we loved performing for you...I loved singing for you... you were a great audience! Thank you very much!) I see trees of green... red roses tooI see 'em bloom... for me and for youAnd I think to myself... what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue... and clouds of whiteBright blessed days.... warm sacred nightsAnd I think to myself... what a wonderful world. The colors of a rainbow... so pretty in the skyAre also on the faces... of people going byI see friends shaking hands.....sayin'.. how do you do?They're really sayin'... I love you. I hear babies cry... I watch them growThey'll learn much more... than I'll never knowAnd I think to myself... what a wonderful world Yes
I think to myself... what a wonderful world... oh yeah!


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