Linkin Park - Walking Dead vaizdo klipas

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Linkin Park

Walking Dead dainos žodžiai

In the chill of the nightI can feel my heart racingAs I run towards the light that seems so far awayWondering foreverIn the darkest of shadowsWondering if I will ever see you again Wondering if I will ever see you again I'll take your love(I'll take your love)I'll take your hate(take your hate)I'll take you're desire I'll take the worldwhen it turns on you(when it turns on you)I'll set it on fire W-the-w-th-th-the walking deadThe walking dead (walking dead) Digging in the dirtI can feel you getting closerSteadying my hands through the blistering painAnxiously awaiting for the earth to reveal youWondering if I will ever see you again (see you again) Wondering if I will ever see you again I'll take your love (I'll take your love)I'll take your hate(take your hate)I'll take you're desireI'll take your heartI'll take your pain(I'll take your pain)I'll bring you to life I'll bring you to life W-the-w-th-th-the walking deadThe walking dead (walking dead) I'll bring you to life I'll take your love(I'll take your love)I'll take your hate(take your hate)I'll take you're desire I'll take the worldwhen it turns on you(it turns on you) W-the-w-th-th-the walking dead I'll take your love(I'll take your love)I'll take your hate(take your hate)I'll take you're desire I'll take your heartI'll take your pain(I'll take your pain) I'll bring you to life


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