Monica - Untitled (Not In Album) vaizdo klipas

Kitu Monica dainų žodžiai

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Untitled (Not In Album) dainos žodžiai

(Intro) Ooh ooohh oh
Baby I don't know oh oh Verse 1
Don't know why I been tryin so hard 2 talk 2 u Don't kno y I still care bout u so much
But I'm makin a fool out of myself
And there's gotta b some reason behind it (yeah yeah oh)
I told u before that I jus needed an answer
So I would have some closure (so you could say) Chorus 2x
Why oh why do I waste my time on u
When once in awhile u call me up 2 do what u wanna do Verse 2
U didn't like my past attitude
The past is in the past baby
That's all I could say
It happened (it happened)
My attitude is me,
Golden rule I treat others how they treat me
I'm tired of people fukin me over so I get an attitude like I do with u Chorus 2x
Why oh why do I waste my time on u
When once in awhile u call me up 2 do what u wanna do Verse 3
Now about the other guys? (Yea I get with em and what?)
Its not even the case here so don't waste my time
YoU think imma liar that's been playin games with you
I can't blame u but u shouldn't make urself so difficult about dealin wit a girl jus be'cause u haven't had good experiences with them
I always cared about u
What about all those times I left n spent the night jus 2 spend sometime wit u...does that not matter now? Chorus 2x
Why oh why do I waste my time on u
When once in awhile u call me up 2 do what u wanna do (Repeat 2x)
Fade away


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