Mariah Carey - Underneath The Stars vaizdo klipas

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Mariah Carey

Underneath The Stars dainos žodžiai

One summer night
We ran way for a while
Laughing, we hurried beneath the sky
To an obscure place to hide
That no one else could find And we drifted to another state of mind
And imagined I was yours and you were mine
As we lay upon the grass
There in the dark
Underneath the stars
(Young love)
Underneath the stars Weak in the knees
Wrapped in the warm gentle breeze
So shy, a bundle of butterflies
Flush with heat of desire
On a natural high
As we drifted to another place in time
And the feeling was so heady and sublime
As I lost my heart to you There in the dark
Underneath the stars
(Young love) Beautiful and bittersweetly
You were fading into me
And I was gently fading into you
But the time went sailing by
Reluctantly we said good- bye
And left our secret place so far behind
And I lay in bed all night and I was
Drifting, drifting, drifting, drifting And I was yours
And you were my own
My own baby
As we...
Lay underneath the stars


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