Jojo - This Time vaizdo klipas

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This Time dainos žodžiai

"This Time" is the second single of the album high road.

I made the mistake like before
Givin you the third degree, takin you through it
I told you I get what I want
And I ain't tryna hear nothin else but just you
And I had to take a good look
When everything else didn't have a ring to it
I'm sittin here blamin myself
When I saw what you were feelin inside, I misused it

This time it's all my fault
This time I can't let go
This time I did it
Really, but I got these feelings
How am I supposed to know?
Can't let my weakness show
Have my fixed fate caused me to miss this first chance at real love

This time I won't let you get away from me
This time I'm gonna let you take it where it should be
This time I won't say no
Cause sayin no is a way to protect me
Baby this time (this time) this time (this time) this time (this time)
I'mma let you want me

Every female I know
Can't seem to take her eyes off of you and I see it
It's just that my girls been so hurt
And I'm not tryna be the next one goin through it
I see that I got somethin real
And I don't wanna lose it and gotta to say thank you
The thought of you gone gives me chills
So baby let's just put this aside and just come here

This time it's all my fault (Really all my fault)
This time I can't let go
This time I did it
Really, but I got these feelings(But I got these feelings)
How am I supposed to know? (To know)
Can't let my weakness show
Have my fixed fate caused me to miss this first chance at real love

This time I won't let you get away from me
This time I'm gonna let you take it where it should be
This time I won't say no
Cause sayin no is a way to protect me
Baby this time (this time) this time (this time) this time (this time)
I'mma let you want me

Never will I deny you love me
All this time you stuck here and didn't leave (my time)
Now I know what 'trust me you will see' was (And I owe you)
All my heart and deepest apologies
So let's take this back to we got it man
I just wanna do this with you boy

This time I won't let you get away from me
This time I'm gonna let you take it where it should be
This time I won't say no
Cause sayin no is a way to protect me
Baby this time (this time)this time (this time)this time (this time)
I'mma let you want me
This time I won't let you get away from me
This time I'm gonna let you take it where it should be
This time I won't say no
Cause sayin no is a way to protect me
Baby this time (this time)this time (this time)this time (this time)
I'ma let you want me


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