Ronan Keating - This Is It vaizdo klipas

Kitu Ronan Keating dainų žodžiai

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Ronan Keating

This Is It dainos žodžiai

This is it
She's the one
Sould I've known it
All along
I'm gonna tell her
How my heart feels tonight

Crossed my fingers
And hope and pray
That luck is with me
All the way
And that I'll say
What I really feel inside

This is it
She's the one
Should I've known it
All along
I'm gonna tell her
How my heart feels tonight

This is it
She's the one
I gotta tell her
Before she's gone
'Cause I wanna know
How good it could've been

My hands are sweat
My collar's tight
I hope she thinks
It'll all go right
But it's useless
'Cause I know her minds

She's my life
Can get it wrong
It's more important
Than this song
'Cause it's now or never
That's the bottom line

'Cause this is it
She's the one
I should've known it
All along
I'm gonna tell her
How my heart feels tonight

This is it
She's the one
I gotta tell her
Before she's gone
'Cause I wanna know
How good it could've been

This is it

This is it yeah

Because she's the one
I can't get it wrong

'Cause she's the one

This is it
She's the one
Should I've known it
All along
I'm gonna tell her
How my heart feels tonight

This is it

It's for the chance
Before she's gone
This is it yeah
This is it yeah

'Cause this is it yeah
This is it yeah

I can't get it wrong
Because she's the one
She's the one
Can't get it wrong
She's the one
Can't get it wrong yeah

This is it yeah
This is it yeah

'Cause this is it yeah
'Cause this is it yeah
'Cause this is it yeah


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