Emmylou Harris - Theyll Never Take His Love From Me vaizdo klipas

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Emmylou Harris

Theyll Never Take His Love From Me dainos žodžiai

If today the sun should set on all my hopes and cares
There is one whose smiling face the gods would see
'Cause he'll walk along beside me up those golden stairs
Oh, they'll never take his love from me
Well, I thought I'd make him happy if I stepped aside
But I knew his love would never set me free
And even on the day he took another to be his bride
I said they'll never take his love from me

I'm so thankful for each golden hour of happiness
That we shared together in the used to be
Someone else's arms may hold him now in fond caress
But they'll never, never take his love from me

What a fool I was to go break the trust he gave
And to see his love turn into sympathy
It's the one regret I'll carry with me to my grave
Oh, they'll never, ever take his love from me


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