Josh Groban - There For Me vaizdo klipas

Kitu Josh Groban dainų žodžiai

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Josh Groban

There For Me dainos žodžiai

There for me, every time I've been away
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say
Will you be there for me?
Just think of you and me, we could never tow the line
It's such a mystery just to hear you say you're mine
And while you're close to me, so close to me
Just hold me [Josh:]
When you're feeling cold and all the city streets are grey
Walking all alone and watching how the children play
Voices in the wind and faces from the past go dancing by
They're asking why [Sarah and Josh:]
Will you be there for me, everytime I go away
Will you be there for me, thinking of me everyday
Are you my destiny, words I never dared to say
Will you be there for me? [Sarah:]
And while you're close to me, so close to me
Just hold me [Josh:]
Can you really want me more than for a little while?
What are the stories hiding there behind your smile?
Wishes in a dream and figures in a world that I could share
And everywhere [Sarah and Josh:]
Will you be there for me
Will there ever come a day when all the world can see
Things were meant to be that way
Will you be there for me?
Can you hear the people say
That you're just
There for me [Josh:]
There for me [Sarah:]
There for me


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