Les Miserables - The Waltz Of Treachery vaizdo klipas

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Les Miserables

The Waltz Of Treachery dainos žodžiai

What to do? What to say?
Shall you carry our treasure away?
What a gem! What a pearl!
Beyond rubies is our little girl!
How can we speak of debt?
Let's not haggle for darling Cosette!
Dear Fantine, gone to rest
Have we done for her child what is best?
Shared our bread, shared each bone
Treated her like she's one of our own!
Like our own, Monsieur! Valjean
Your feelings do you credit, sir
And I will ease the parting blow [He pays them.] Let us not talk of bargains or bones or greed
Now, may I say, we are agreed? Mme. Thenardier
That would quite fit the bill
If she hadn't so often been ill
Little dear, cost us dear
Medicines are expensive, M'sieur
Not that we begrudged a sou
It's no more than we Christians must do!
M. and Mme. Thenardier
One thing more, one small doubt
There are treacherous people about
No offense, please reflect
Your intentions may not be... correct? Valjean
No more words, here's your price.
Fifteen hundred for your sacrifice
Come, Cosette, say goodbye,
Let us seek out some friendlier sky.
Thank you both for Cosette
It won't take you too long to forget. [Valjean and Cosette leave the inn.] Come, Cosette, come, my dear
From now on I will always be here
Where I go, you will be. Cosette
Will there be children
And castles to see? Valjean
Yes, Cosette,
Yes, it's true
There's a castle just waiting for you...


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