Vertical Horizon - The Unchosen One vaizdo klipas

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Vertical Horizon

The Unchosen One dainos žodžiai

God why you want to play with me
Can't you see I'm tumbling down
And like your favorite toy
Boy I'm tired of being thrown around You lead me through this life of complication and delusion
So you drop it in my lap and slap me back towards confusion
When it's so hard to decide whether to live or to die in this destiny
Tell me what would you say if at the end of the day it was just you and me Smile away the fears that only seem to run me around
So you open up the door then the floor came crumbling down
I've only one or two dreams there worth losing
But they're unraveling, traveling down the road to ruin And the harder I try the more I slip and I slide through this fantasy
All by myself I need your help to perservere
But the same conclusions always greet me at my door
Wouldn't it be nice to fade away
And maybe one day you will show me what went wrong
How did I become the unchosen one So when the rain is just around my corner
Throw some sunshine down my way
And I'll hit you with a smile all the while my worries melt away So won't you show me a sign as I continue to climb up this reality
All by myself I need your help to perservere
And the same conclusions always greet me at my door
Wouldn't it be nice to fade away
And maybe one day you will show me what went wrong
So how did I become the unchosen one


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