Alan Jackson - The Thrill Is Back vaizdo klipas

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Alan Jackson

The Thrill Is Back dainos žodžiai

Well I'm ready to raise the blinds in this place
Think I'll rejoin the human race
You said yes, now you're wearing my ring
Guess I can stop playin' ol' B.B. King

'Cause the thrill is back, the heartache's gone
Time stands still, baby love lives on
The room spins around, when you're kissin' me
The thrill is back like it used to be

I sure could use a haircut and shave
Now that I'm crawling outta my cave
Since you said we were through
I've been down with a case of the blues

But the thrill is back, the heartache's gone
Time stands still, baby love lives on
The room spins around, when you're kissin' me
The thrill is back like it used to be

I think I'd better give my doctor a call
And tell him I won't need that Prozac after all

Yeah the thrill is back, the heartache's gone
Time stands still, baby love lives on
The room spins around, when you're kissin' me
The thrill is back like it used to be

The room spins around, when you're kissin' me
The thrill is back like it used to be


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