Abc - The Real Thing vaizdo klipas

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The Real Thing dainos žodžiai

A mongoose can smile at a cobra
But that cobra will always be a snake
Diamante can shine like a diamond
But you know, like I know
That rock will be fake
It's the real thing
The real thing
Nothing but the real thing
It's real
You can xerox the Mona Lisa
Deadpan Da Vinci in every detail
Might beat customs on a home-made visa
But false papers
Only gets you in jail
It's the real thing
The real thing
Nothing but the real thing
It's real
Life wears a smile on its face
But it comes with a sting in its tail
Make believe fables have their place
But only a fool. Only a fool
Believes fairy tales
I heard all the lies that they tell ya
"Phone me baby. The cheque's in the mail"
Well as fantasy. It may please ya
As the real thing
It does nothing but fail
It's the real thing
The real thing
Nothing but the real thing
It's real
It's the real thing
The real thing
Nothing but the real thing
It's real


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