Paddy Schmidt - The Lark In The Morning vaizdo klipas

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Paddy Schmidt

The Lark In The Morning dainos žodžiai

The lark in the morning she rises off her nest
She goes home in the evening with the dew all on her breast
And like the jolly ploughboy
She whistles and she sings
She goes home in the evening with the dew all on her breast

Oh Roger the ploughboy, he is a dashing blade
He goes whistling and singing over yonder green blade
He met with pretty Susan, she´s handsome I declare
She is far more inviting than the birds all in the air

One evening coming home from the rakes of the town
The meadows they are green and the grass it is cut down
If I should chance to tumble all in the new mown hay
For it´s kiss me now or never love, this bonny lass did say

When twenty long weeks they were over and were past
Her mammy chanced to notice how she thickened around the waist
It was the handsome ploughboy the maiden she did say
For he caused me for to tumble all in the new mown hay

Here´s a health to young ploughboys wherever you may be
That likes to have a bonny lass asitting on his knee
With a jug of good strong porter you´ll whistle and you´ll sing
For a ploughboy is happy as a prince or a king


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