Impaled Nazarene - The Horny And The Horned vaizdo klipas

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Impaled Nazarene

The Horny And The Horned dainos žodžiai

Spirits gathering around my dead coil
Infernal baptism, hungry for blood
Drinking the wine of the tormented souls
Howling for moon, sex with goats
Possessed acts of the infernal ghoul
Leading to destruction of the righteous
I have been waiting over 1000 years
Now it is time to rule with chaos
Gods of war I am screaming to thee
Gather the fierless soldiers of hate
Conquer the land of light and love
Spread the sand with enemies blood
Master of war, the eternal terror
The horny and the horned eternal lord
Hear the praise of your platoon:
(Kill for Satan, he wants blood,
He is god, he is god)
Millions of bodies lying on sand
I have slaughtered and impaled them
Hear the hymn now crossing the skies
Satan is lord, for him we will die
Mouth for war, death for doom
Now it is time to feel the terror
The horny and the horned eternal lord
For your praise I raise my fucked-up sword !


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