Agnetha Fältskog - The Heat Is On vaizdo klipas

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Agnetha Fältskog

The Heat Is On dainos žodžiai

Tropical summer balmy day
Sit around you haven't much to say
'Cos the heat is on, heat is on

You know you're in the hands of fate
Now you've gone and found me you appreciate
That the heat is on, heat is on

You're on the road to Mandalay
Never gonna make it try another day
'Cos the heat is on ( heat is on ) heat is on

Temperature is rising to fever pitch
Sun is getting closer we all get rich
'Cos the heat is on ( heat is on ) heat is on

( hot spot )
Hot pants and feet
Can't believe the madness sure feels sweet
The heat is on, heat is on

Sun sun sun dazzle
Sun sun sun dazzle
Go wild gonna rattle
When the heat is on

Tropical Summer balmy day
Don't say much, ain't much to say
'Cos the heat is on ( heat is on ) heat is on

The heat is on, ( heat is on ) heat is on

The heat is on, ( heat is on ) heat is on

Hot pants and feet
Sure be sweet
The heat is on
Daddy yeah the heat is on

Tropical Summer balmy day
( Don't say much, ain't much to say
'Cos the heat is on, the heat is on, heat is on )

You're on the road to Mandalay
( Never gonna make it try another day
The heat is on, the heat is on, heat is on )

Temperature is rising to fever pitch
( Sun is getting closer we all get rich
'Cos the heat is on, the heat is on , heat is on )


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