Adam Sandler - Thanksgiving Song vaizdo klipas

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Adam Sandler

Thanksgiving Song dainos žodžiai

Love to eat turkey

Love to eat turkey

Love to eat turkey

'Cause it's good

Love to eat turkey

Like a good boy should

'Cause it's turkey to eat

So good

Turkey for me

Turkey for you

Let's eat the turkey

In my big brown shoe

Love to eat the turkey

At the table

I once saw a movie

With Betty Grable

Eat that turkey

All night long

Fifty million Elvis fans

Can't be wrong

Turkey turkey doo and

Turkey turkeydap

I eat that turkey Then I take a nap

Thanksgiving is a special night

Jimmy Walker used to say Dynomite

That's right

Turkey with gravy and cranberry

Can't believe the Mets

Traded Darryl Strawberry

Turkey for you and

Turkey for me

Can't believe Tyson

Gave that girl V.D.

White meat, dark meat

You just can't lose

I fell off my moped

And I got a bruise

Turkey in the oven

And the buns in the toaster

I'll never take down

My Cheryl Tiegs poster

Wrap the turkey up

In aluminum foil

My brother like to masturbate

With baby o


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