A Teens - Super Trooper vaizdo klipas

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A Teens

Super Trooper dainos žodžiai

Super Trooper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue
Like I always do
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you

I was sick and tired of everything
When I called you last night from Glasgow
All I do is eat and sleep and sing
Wishing every show was the last show (wishing every show was the last show)
So imagine I was glad to here you're coming (glad to hear you, glad to hear you
Suddenly I feel alright (and suddenly it's gonna be)
And it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight

Tonight the
Super Trooper lights are gonna find me
Shining like the sun (Super Trooper)
Smiling having fun (Super Trooper)
Feeling like a number one

Tonight the
Super Trooper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue (Super Trooper)
Like I always do (Super Trooper)
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you

Facing twenty thousand of your friends
How can anyone be so lonely
Part of a success that never ends
Still I'm thinking about you only (still I'm thinking about you only)
There are moments when I think I'm going crazy (think I'm going, think I'm going
But it's gonna be alright (and so we're changing everything)
Everything will be so different when I'm on the stage tonight

Tonight the
Super Trooper lights are gonna find me
Shining like the sun (Super Trooper)
Smiling having fun (Super Trooper)
Feeling like a number one

Tonight the
Super Trooper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue (Super Trooper)
Like I always do (Super Trooper)
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you

So I'll be there
When you arrive
The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive
And when you take me in your arms
And hold me tight
I know it's gonna mean so much tonight

Tonight the
Super Trooper lights are gonna find me
Shining like the sun
Smiling having fun
Feeling like a number one

Tonight the
Super Trooper beams are gonna blind me
But I won't feel blue (Super Trooper)
Like I always do (Super Trooper)
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's

Super Trooper lights are gonna find me
Shining like the sun (Super Trooper)
Smiling having fun (Super Trooper)


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