A Teens - Sugar Rush vaizdo klipas

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A Teens

Sugar Rush dainos žodžiai

Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush

I get a high whenever you're around
Sweeping from my head to my toes
I gotta get my feet back on the ground

'Cause you make me go out of my way (out of my way)
Crossing the line (crossing the line)
Making me say what I have in mind

You make me so excited
And I don't wanna fight it
I start to blush
You are my Sugar Rush
Ain't nothing better baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I start to blush
You are my Sugar Rush

I got a sweet tooth and a taste for you
It might me too obvious but
I can't help my self from what I do

'Cause you make me go out of my way (out of my way)
Crossing the line (crossing the line)
Making me say what I have in mind

You make me so excited
And I don't wanna fight it
I start to blush
You are my Sugar Rush
Ain't nothing better baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I start to blush
You are my Sugar Rush

Baby you're my Sugar Rush
I get weak and talk too much
You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted
Baby you're my Sugar Rush
I get weak and talk too much

'Cause you make me go out of my way (out of my way)
Crossing the line (crossing the line)
Making me say what I have in mind

You make me so excited
And I don't wanna fight it
I start to blush
You are my Sugar Rush
Ain't nothing better baby
Is it for real or maybe?
I start to blush
You are my Sugar Rush

Baby you're my Sugar Rush
I get weak and talk too much
You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted
Baby you're my Sugar Rush
I get weak and talk too much

You are my Sugar Rush


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