Ice T - Straight Up Nigga vaizdo klipas

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Ice T

Straight Up Nigga dainos žodžiai

Damn right I'm a nigga
And I don'T care what you are
Cause I'm a Capitaal N I double G E R
Black people might get mad
Cause they don'T see
That they're looked upon
As a nigga just like me
I'm a nigga not a Colored man
Or a Black or a Negro
Or an Afrom American I'm all that
Yes I was born in America true
Does South Central
Look like America to you?
I'm a nigga a straight up nigga
From a hard school
Whatever you are
I dot care, that is you fool
I'm loud and proud
Well endowedd with the big beef
Out on the corner
I hang out like a house thief
So you can call me dumb or crazy
Ignornt, stupid, inferior or lazy
Silly or foolish
But I'm badder and bigger
And most of all
I'm a straight up nigga

I'm a nigga in America
And that much I flaunt
Cause when I see what I like
Yo I take what I want
I'm not the only one
That's why I'm not bitter
Cause everybody is a nigga to a nigga!
America was tole from he Indians
Show and prove, what was tht?
A straight up nigga move
A low down shame
Yo it's straight insane
Yet they compalin
When a nigga snatch
Their gold chains
What is nigga suppose to do?
Wait around for a handout
From a nigga like you?
That why a low down nigga gets hyped
But I'm not a nigga of that type
I'm a steak and lobster eatin'
Billionaire meet
Cash money makin', movin' shakin'
Corporate jet glidin'
Limousine ridin'
Writin' hits, filthy rich
Straight up nigga!

Now I'm a write this song
Though the radio won't play this
But I got freedom of speech
So I'm a say it


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