Linkin Park - Starting To Fly vaizdo klipas

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Linkin Park

Starting To Fly dainos žodžiai

I know the answers from the words of The prophet I've seen the light through the fingers Made of magic
I've seen an image of the future
It's a vision and I know who you are
(Chorus) Go away can't you see you're not real Open your eye some place far away I've seen the ocean and I've seen the sky I've got my wings and I'm starting to fly
I met a poet tonight behind the masses I sang a song about my many true Addictions I saw myself in a hole
down below And I know who you are
(Chorus) I'm alright though it's hard to feel Open your eye some place far away I've seen the ocean and I've seen the sky I've got my wings and I'm starting to fly
oh yeah
oh yeahOpen your eyes Look to the sky Grab your wings And then
start to fly
I've seen the ocean and I've seen the sky I've got my wings and I'm starting to fly


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