Akon - Smack That Sports Edition vaizdo klipas

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Smack That Sports Edition dainos žodžiai

I see you creepin I can see you from my shadow
i aint gonna let you come and score no points in my goal We'll lay you out at home and always is my motto. Now watch my team take this over. One shot and i will..... smack that all on the court smack that sail into floor smack that right out the door smack that ooooooooooooh smack that all on the court smack that sail into floor smack that right out the door smack that ooooooooooooh I see you creepin I can see you from my shadow
i aint gonna let you come and score no points in my goal We'll lay you out at home and always is my motto. Now watch my team take this over. One shot and i will..... smack that all on the court smack that sail into floor smack that right out the door smack that ooooooooooooh smack that all on the court smack that sail into floor smack that right out the door smack that ooooooooooooh


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