Disturbed - Shout 2000 (Cover) vaizdo klipas

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Shout 2000 (Cover) dainos žodžiai

Shout 2000

(shout shout)
Let it all out
These are the things I can do without
(come on)
I'm talking to you
(so come on)

In violent times...
You shouldn't have to sell your soul
In black and white...
They really really ought to know
(just don't know)
Those wandering minds...
Who took you for a working whore
Kiss them goodbye...
They shouldn't have to jump for joy
(jump jump jump jump jump)

You shouldn't have to (shout) for joy(shout)

They give you life...
And in return you gave them hell
As cold as ice(not witch your ice ice baby)
I hope we live to tell the tale
I hope we live to (shout) the tale(shout)

Will you never shout
I feel as though you're never gonna let it all out
Will you never shout?
I feel as though I know
You're never gonna let it all out
Will you never shout?
I feel as though I know you're never gonna let it
And when you've taken down your gaurd...
If I could change your mind...
I'd really love to break your heart
(break break break break break)

I'd really love to (shout) your heart(shout)

I'd really love to
(shout shout)

Come on let me shout shout let me
Come on let me shout shout
Come on let me shout shout let me
Come on let me shout shout

(von TIMO JANUSCHEWSKI - www.born2rock.de.vu )


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