Alan Jackson - Short Sweet Ride vaizdo klipas

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Alan Jackson

Short Sweet Ride dainos žodžiai

I could see it coming from a mile away

A heartache lookin´ for a place to stay

But I couldn´t reist her and I couldn´t be cool

Lord can´t a woman make a man a fool

It´s an age-old story but it still holds true

There ain´t no end to what a man won´t do

He´ll love some woman ´til he goes insane

It´s a short sweet ride on a runaway train

I was drunk and crazy from her sweet perfume

But I knew stone sober I was being used

Now the heartache lingers like a cheap cologne

She took all she wanted then she was gone


It was almost worth it for tje time we spent

But there ain´t no future in a heart for rent

Still she taught me something ´bout the facts of live

Love cuts quicker than a switchblade knife



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