Aerosmith - Shela vaizdo klipas

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Shela dainos žodžiai

Shela "

Shela, Shela, she like a hurricane
Shela, Shela, she like a ball and chain
Shela, Shela, she like a hurricane

Got myself a lady
I get down on my knees, yeah...
Hotter than Hades
Heaven if you please, yeah...

Shela, Shela, she like a hurricane
Shela, Shela, she like a ball and chain
Shela, Shela, she like a hurricane

Some girls put it to you
Make you scream in pain, yeah...
Some will say they knew you
And then forget your name, yeah...

Shela, real tight
Shela, that's right

She said she could do it
Love she could fulfill, yeah...
There ain't noting to it
Backbone gets a chill, yeah...


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