John Fogerty - She Thinks I Still Care vaizdo klipas

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John Fogerty

She Thinks I Still Care dainos žodžiai

Just because I asked a friend about her, just because I spoke her name somewhere,
Just because I dialled her number by mistake today, she thinks I still care.

Just because I haunt the same old places, where the memory of her lingers everywhere,
Just because I'm not the happy guy I used to be, she thinks I still care.

Oh if she's happy thinkin' I still need her, then let that silly notion bring her cheer,
Oh how could she ever be so foolish, and where would she get such an idea?

Just because I asked a friend about her, just because I spoke her name somewhere,
Just because I saw her, then went all to pieces, she thinks I still care.
She thinks I still caaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaare.


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