Metric - Satellite Mind vaizdo klipas

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Satellite Mind dainos žodžiai

Hold it, I'm about to drop off
Let me tell you my last thought
Drift into a deep fog, lost where I forgot to
Hold it, I can feel you most when I'm alone

Coming home 'cause I want to hang out with the starlet
Stare up at the ceiling, preview of a screening
Flashback of a feeling, sixth sense of a call
And heard you fuck through the wall, I heard you fuck

When I'm bored I send vibrations in your direction
Through the satellite mind
When I'm bored I send vibrations in your direction
Through the satellite mind

I'm not suicidal, I just can't get out of bed
I drift into a deep fog, lost where I forgot to
Hold it, I can feel you most when I'm alone
I can feel your ghost when I'm alone

Coming home 'cause I want to hang out with the starlet
Stare up at the ceiling, hiding and revealing
Flashback of a feeling, sixth sense of a calling
And heard you fuck through the wall, I heard you fuck

When I'm bored I send vibrations in your direction
Through the satellite mind
When I'm bored I send vibrations in your direction
Through the satellite mind
When I'm bored I send vibrations
Through a satellite mind, through the satellite mind

A satellite mind, mind, mind, a satellite
A satellite mind, mind, mind, a satellite
A satellite mind, mind, a satellite, a satellite


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