Starting Line - Saddest Girl Story vaizdo klipas

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Starting Line

Saddest Girl Story dainos žodžiai

So it's safe to say that we've been here before; Though, only unlearned by the time your wounds have healed. Heart torn out, down for the count and still come back for more. This lesson is learned too well. I guess not because your lips are stuck to his. Have you had enough? It's Time to say enough is enough, you would be so better off. You can't win. You love him but tough because it's not coming back from him. Take a look around, you could have anyone. Stop expecting change, he's just a lost cause that you're waiting on. So leave undeserving him. But then you will find someone to give you everything you want. Try not to go running back to him. So it goes unsaid that we've been here before. It only hurts at first. Lonely nights and endless fights and sleeping on the floor. And he's sorry, so the story goes. It's read and replayed and ends the same way Take a look around, you could have anyone. Stop expecting change, he's just a lost cause that you're waiting on. Stop expecting change, he's just a lost cause that you're waiting on. So leave undeserving him. Take a look around, you could have anyone.


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