Nat King Cole - Ruby And The Pearl vaizdo klipas

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Nat King Cole

Ruby And The Pearl dainos žodžiai

Can love be as warm as the ruby,
Can love be as pure as the pearl?
Just look in the heart of my love for you.
You'll find the ruby and the pearl.

My love will endure as the diamond;
And shine with the shimmer of gold.
It glows like a bright star above for you,
A thing of beauty to behold.

Come close and cling to my kiss;
Come close and share the passion of this.

Yes, love is as warm as the ruby
And love is as pure as the pearl.
Just look in the heart of my love for you.
You'll find the ruby and the pearl.

(Return to bridge:)
Come close and cling to my kiss;
Come close and share the passion of this.

Yes, love is as warm as the ruby
And love is as pure as the pearl.
Just look in the heart of my love for you.
You'll find the ruby and the pearl.

You'll find the ruby and the pearl.


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