Accept - Restless And Wild vaizdo klipas

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Restless And Wild dainos žodžiai

They're running wild
They're on a down hill ride
Like a rebel they look for more
Too young to die
Now you know your dreams are useless
And there 're lies You'll never tell
'cause you're so
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Star born lovers
Angels in the night on a highway
They don't look back
Everybody's lost the way - yeah
The little girl wants to be an actress
Young boys are easy riders
They live so
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Stay down - time will roll on
How do you feel when the night is gone
Stay down - time will come 'round
You are the man made for highway life
For the highway life
City lights moving on
No tomorrows - no destinations
Like a wheel turning on and on
You're a man born to run
Every world that you have seen was senseless
Keep moving on there's no other way
Cause you're so
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild
Restless - restless and wild


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