Kinky Friedman - Popeye The Sailor Man vaizdo klipas

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Kinky Friedman

Popeye The Sailor Man dainos žodžiai

Popeye The Sailor Man

(Kinky Friedman & Panama Red)

My heart is on my sleeve,
Do you still believe ?
Are you listenin’ to the tide roll in, watchin’ ships at sea ?
When I come sailin’ home again will you be there for me,
There for me ?
Treasure ships of yore
Grace the ocean floor
Columbus sailed for Italy, Columbus sailed for Spain.
Columbus sailed a wishin’ well, Columbus died in chains,
Died in chains.

I don’t pretend to know every answer
To everything that life may ask of me.
Hey, I’m Popeye the sailor man
I’m Popeye the sailor man
Hey, Popeye the sailor man
And I sail the lonely sea eternally.

My true love calls to me from far across the sea.
She says, “Red skies in the mornin’
Sailor take warnin’
Sail with me tonight
Sailor’s delight, sailor’s delight.”

I don’t pretend to know every answer
To everything that life may ask of me.
Hey, I’m Popeye the sailor man
Popeye the sailor man,
Popeye the sailor man
And I sail the lonely sea eternally.

She said, “Popeye the sailor man
Popeye the sailor man
Oh, Popeye the sailor man
Sail on home to me, come sail with me.”


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