Adam Ant - Piccadilly vaizdo klipas

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Adam Ant

Piccadilly dainos žodžiai

Down in Piccadilly down in West One
They dress like Laurence Harvey
The immaculate son
She looks good and lovely
A sight for all to see
With a voice you could get lost in
He's a practical man
Gonna catch you if he can
Down in Piccadilly down in West One
Drinking cups of coffee
In Fortnum and Mason
She looks good and lovely
Trained in luxury
With a voice you could get lost in
He's a practical man
Gonna catch you if he can
Lock up your daughters
Down in Piccadilly down in West One
If you're really lucky
You'll see Francis Bacon
He paints good and lovely
A sight for all to see
In a world you could get lost it
Here they come here they come
Piccadilly West One
It's real what they feel
No doubt about it
Here they come here they come
Piccadilly West One
Get rich quick
And live to count it


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