Ace Of Base - Peace And Love vaizdo klipas

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Ace Of Base

Peace And Love dainos žodžiai

Peace and love

Flying so high

Peace and love

Too young to die

Peace and love

Now you decide

Stay for the children

You don’t really want to go

Can’t feel it pulling like you did

Peace and love

Peace and love

Only a ride

Strength is gone

Dying inside

Tell me now

What did you find

Found love in the people

Livin’ in a sacred land

Found love in the people

Peace and love

Found love

Found Saw my mistake

Broke walls of pain to walk

Again I saw the dream

I saw the wake

We shared it all

But not the take

Peace and love

Lennon’s Goodbye

Over now

Living in time

A broken Bell

A nursery rhyme

Deserted by heroes

Strangers in your own land

No way to deny you

No way to deny you

Peace and love

I took the underlying sensibilities w/th

No repercussion

I took the oath

I took it

All til I had most

I took what’s left

I gave it breath

I had it all

Once I gave it back


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