Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA vaizdo klipas

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Miley Cyrus

Party In The USA dainos žodžiai

I hopped on the plane at LAX
With a dream of my cargidan
Welcome to the land of fame access
Am I gonna fit in?
Jumped in the cab here I am for the first time
Look to my right
And I see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy
Everybody seems so famous!

My tummy's turnin'
And I'm feeling kinda homesick
Too much pressure
And I'm nervous
'Cause when the taximan turned on the radio

And a Jay Z song was on
And a Jay Z song was on
And a Jay Z song was on

So I put my hands up
They're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like 'Yeah'
Movin' my hips like 'Yeah'
I got my hands up
They're playing my song
I know I'm gonna be okay
It's a Party in the USA
It's a Party in the USA

Get to club in my taxicab
Everybody's lookin' at me now
Like "Who's that chick with rockin' kicks she gotta be from out of town"
So hard with my girls not around me
It's definitley not a Nashville party
'Cause all I see are stilletos
I guess I never got the memo

My tummy's turnin'
And I'm feeling kinda homesick
Too much pressure
And I'm nervous
And the DJ dropped my favorite tune

And a Britney song was on
And a Britney song was on
And a Britney song was on

So I put my hands up
They're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like 'Yeah'
Movin' my hips like 'Yeah'
I got my hands up
They're playing my song
I know I'm gonna be okay
It's a Party in the USA
It's a Party in the USA

Feel like hoppin' on a flight
Back to my hometown tonight
Something stops me everytime
The DJ plays my song and I feel alright!

So I put my hands up
They're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like 'Yeah'
(Noddin' my head)
Movin' my hips like 'Yeah'
I got my hands up
They're playing my song
I know I'm gonna be okay
It's a Party in the USA
(Na, na na na na na)

So I put my hands up
They're playin' my song
The butterflies fly away
Noddin' my head like 'Yeah'
Movin' my hips like 'Yeah'
I got my hands up
They're playing my song
I know I'm gonna be okay
It's a Party in the USA
It's a Party in the USA!


Apsaugos kodas:
urte rašė: prieš 100 mėn
ieva rašė: prieš 124 mėn
Žiauriai graži daina!!!
katinelis1 rašė: prieš 138 mėn
daina faina, bet ir atlikeja sauni, tik atrodo biski ziaurokai nusiskutus plaukus...
Linas rašė: prieš 148 mėn
kokia faina daina kai isgirdau ja kaip atlikeja ja pamilau
monika rašė: prieš 153 mėn
very nice yuor song.I love you myley cyrus
Gabe|* rašė: prieš 154 mėn
yes? I can not believe it. Lithuania is very low and Miley are not here to do, but it is definitely my favorite singer and I love it. I would like it to be my sister.
KarolinaMaria rašė: prieš 156 mėn
I'm Love this song♥♥♥ and i'm like Miley Cyrus ♥♥♥
Miley xoxo Destiny xoxo Brandy xoxo Noah xoxo Leticia xoxo William xoxo rašė: prieš 157 mėn
Hey guys, It's me Miley. I'll be back in this page everyone day thnx for loving and liked please comment my songs if u want write to me. My skype: xodestinyxo93 my gmail: Real Miley. You are the bests!
miley curys rašė: prieš 161 mėn
Hello,thank you and i love you!!!!!!
Samantha rašė: prieš 163 mėn
I love Miley Cyrus♥♥♥, and you song beautiful:)))♥♥
Miley xoxo Destiy xoxo Noah xoxo and Lindsey xoxo rašė: prieš 164 mėn
I do not know what makes you my songs to raise the sites but that's why I know that I'll be more familiar. You probably have doubts about why I know your Lithuanian this site, so I will answer you now, we travel with their parents around the world and we are in Lithuania. But I came so secretly that nobody even knows about me. TV and even journalists.
:** rašė: prieš 167 mėn
Prie ko
Gabrie rašė: prieš 168 mėn
Ilove Justi Bieber
Gabriele rašė: prieš 168 mėn
nice you song but ju not nice
miley rašė: prieš 175 mėn
hi and i am miley nice song i see you i your kencert!!!nices your song!!!!!! yra lietuviškų ir angliškų dainų tekstų ir žodžių archyvas. Visi dainų tekstai yra jų autorių nuosavybė ir pateikiami tik informaciniais tikslais. Visi vaizdo klipai yra iš, čia pateikiama automatinė Youtube klipų paieška. neprisiima atsakomybės už šioje svetainėje skelbiamos informacijos tikslumą ir jos panaudojimo pasekmes. Kiekvienas rašydamas naują komentarą atsako už skelbiamos informacijos turinį.
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