New Found Glory - Over Me vaizdo klipas

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New Found Glory

Over Me dainos žodžiai

Turn the music up,
You see right through the conversation,
And I'm just listening,
You're missing points,
I'm taking hints,
This is coming,
And I needed to convince myself...

You say, you'll never, change,
Or get over me,
You claim, you'll never, change,
Or get over me,
Over me,
Over me,
Over me,
Over me.

Roll the window down,
For a breathe of air,
Conversations, will they ever end?
'Cause I'm missing points,
Can you take a hint?!
Is it coming?
I just need you to convince me that...

You'll stay, forever, never change,
Or get over me,
You claim, you'll never, change,
Or get over me,
Over me,
Over me,
Over me,
Over me.

Take for granted,
I'll be here if you need me when you come around,
Take advantage of me dear,
'Cause you need this when you come around,
Need this now, need this now,
So I'm asking you to...

Say, you'll never, change,
Or get over me,
You claim, you'll never, change,
I know you're never gonna get,
Over me,
Over me,
Over me,
Over me.

Say, you'll never, change,
Or get over me,
You claim, you'll never,
No! I hope you're never over me.


Apsaugos kodas:
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