Idlewild - Out Of Routine vaizdo klipas

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Out Of Routine dainos žodžiai

Out of routine, the explanations you have
You’re still loathe to give them
All because you’ve phrased it in a way
So the explanations you have
The words don’t go away

If your heart gets in the way of what you wanted
To deny everything I say is not uncommon
The only thing that’s definitely forgotten
Is what you wanted
And what you really needed

But I can only try to know what I wanted
I will only try to know what I want
If I can only try to know what I wanted
How can it be gone

Out of routine but it’s not as bad as you think
It’s only chance you’re looking for
Still in routine and the explanations you have
The ideas go between

If your heart gets in the way of what you wanted
If you reply to everything I say so it’s not uncommon
The only thing that’s definitely forgotten
Is what you wanted
And what you really needed

But I can only try to know what I wanted
I will only try to know what I want
If I can only try to know what I wanted
How can it be gone

And it’s already gone and nothing can take it back
It’s already gone and nothing can take it from being gone


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