Jack Johnson - On And On vaizdo klipas

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Jack Johnson

On And On dainos žodžiai

In times like these and in times like those
What will be will be and so it goes
And it always goes on and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on it goes, hmm

There will always be laughin cryin birth and dyin
Boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
Heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture
Then hurt, form time to times like these and times like those
What will be will be and so it goes

There will always be stop and go and fast and slow
And action reaction and sticks and stones and broken bones
Those for peace and those for war
And God bless these ones not those ones but these ones

May times like these and times like those
What will be will be and so it goes
And it always goes on and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on it goes, hmm

Somehow I know, it wont be the same
Somehow I know, it’ll never be the same


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