Monica - Now Im Gone vaizdo klipas

Kitu Monica dainų žodžiai

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Now Im Gone dainos žodžiai

Monica baby, I'm sorry
I know I was wrong, but I think we can work it out
Just try to hear me out (Monica)
Nah, you hear me out (Verse 1)
I gave you so much love, but you had to play with my affections
My heart was in your hands, but you had to play with all my feelings
You got your mack on, but now I'm gone
Cause I'd rather be all alone
Away from all these silly games (Chorus)
I gave you no reason why
Just said do your thing on the side
But now I'm gone
Cause it will never be the same You were busy kicking it with your boys
Instead of taking care of your girl
But now I'm gone
Gone away from you (Verse 2)
I thought I knew you well
But you ran away, didn't care about me
You told so many lies
Thought you could run away from this thing called reality
But I'm long gone, I got to go on
There's someone waiting for me
To love me honestly (Chorus)
I gave you no reason why
Just said do your thing on the side
But now I'm gone
Cause it will never be the same, yeah Your were busy kicking it with your boys
Instead of taking care of your girl
But now I'm gone
I'm gone away from you, oh my boy, hey I gave you no reason why
Just said do your thing on the side
But now I'm gone
Cause it will never be the same, naw You were busy kicking it with your boys (You shoulda been taking care of your girl)
Instead of taking care of your girl
But now I'm gone
But now I'm gone, oh now I'm gone, now I'm gon' away from you
(Monica speaking)
You see, the things you did to me back then, I'm long gon' from it now
Baby I gotta go my own way
They say (they say)
That you never (miss a good thing)
Until it's gon' (Until it's gone away) (Repeat chorus and ad libs until fade)


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