Seether - No Jesus Christ vaizdo klipas

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No Jesus Christ dainos žodžiai

Some spelling errors and other errors I'm sure, fix as see needed.
Before you hedge those bets you placed against me
Be renascent of fortunes they foretell
Your verbal defecation I cant wash away despite myself, your vanity it seems has served you well Your so quick to choose the path walked by the righteous
So you can go and nest among the weak
The innocent observers will refuse to find the lie within
Renew the disappointment of the meak YOU'RE NO JESUS CHRIST YOU'RE NO JESUS CHRIST Put the gun in my mouth and pull the trigger
I feel so alive, here
Put the gun in my mouth it taste so bitter
I feel so alive here YOU'RE NO JESUS CHRIST
YOU'RE NO JESUS CHRIST You keep takin over, I keep rollin over
I cant take it anymore
You keep takin over, I keep rollin over
I cant take it anymore Before you hedge those bets you placed against me
Be renascent of fortunes they foretell
Your verbal defecation I cant wash away despite myself, your vanity it seems has served you well

You keep takin over, I keep rollin over
I cant take it anymore
You keep takin over, I keep rollin over
I cant take it anymore You keep takin over, I keep rollin over
I cant take it anymore
You keep takin over, I keep rollin over
I cant take it anymore


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