Bowling For Soup - Next Ex Girlfriend vaizdo klipas

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Bowling For Soup

Next Ex Girlfriend dainos žodžiai

I don't wanna meet your dad
Don't wanna hump your sister
Don't wanna do it to your best friend either
I don't want you messin around and givin me a blister
And leave me illin for the penicillin When you walk out I don't wanna feel left out
'cause sooner or later its just over, over I don't wanna get inside your mind or your pants
I don't wanna waste my time with love and romance
I want my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend
I don't want the fairy tale and
I don't want the girl from hell
Don't wanna be your biggest mistake
You can be my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend I don't wanna learn to dance don't wanna rent the limo
I know your thinking I'm a weirdo
I just want the bragging rights I want to let the world know
Convince my friends I'm not a homo When you walk out I don't wanna feel left out
'cause sooner or later its just over, over I don't wanna get inside your mind or your pants
I don't wanna waste my time with love and romance
I want my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend
I don't want the fairy tale and
I don't want the girl from hell
Don't wanna be your biggest mistake
You can be my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend Tell everyone im good in the sack
But all your friends were giving you crap
And you just couldn't put up with that
So no your never taking me back I don't wanna get inside your mind or your pants
I don't wanna waste my time with love and romance
I want my next-ex-girlfriend, my next-ex-girlfriend
I don't want the fairy tale and
I don't want the girl from hell
And I don't want to spend the time
And I don't need no valentine
My next-ex-girl friend, my next-ex-girlfriend


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