David Guetta - Memories (feat. KiD CuDi) vaizdo klipas

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David Guetta

Memories (feat. KiD CuDi) dainos žodžiai

(Yeah Yeah)

All the crazy shit I did tonight
Those will be the best memories.
I just wanna let it go for the night
That would be the best therapy for me.

All the crazy shit I did tonight
Those will be the best memories.
I just wanna let it go for the night
That would be the best therapy for me.

Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah.

All the crazy shit I did tonight
Those will be the best memories.
I just wanna let it go for the night
That would be the best therapy for me.

All the crazy shit I did tonight
Those will be the best memories.
I just wanna let it go for the night
That would be the best therapy for me.

Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.

It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.
It's gettin' late but I don't mind.

Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.
Hey, hey, yeah, yeah.


Apsaugos kodas:
austa rašė: prieš 161 mėn
As myliu vsita dajna
patricija rašė: prieš 172 mėn
dievinu sia daina [as jos sendien klausiau
austeja rašė: prieš 172 mėn
cool song i love this song

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