Jack Johnson - Mediocre Bad Guys vaizdo klipas

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Jack Johnson

Mediocre Bad Guys dainos žodžiai

Well don't give me no comic book sad looks no more
Please don't use those same excuses you've used before
Mmm hmmm Mmm hmmm
You told yourself so many times it's okay
So be good to try
But you just don't know how to come back down
And now you beat me up, you break me down
Hoping I don't come around,
Kick me when I'm on the ground,
Beat me up, break me down,
Hoping I don't come around,
Kick me when I'm on the ground Well how about those people I know that you know the ones I mean
Not so good, not so bad
Only know what they have
And they have only what they've seen
Them mediocre bad guys can really bring you down
They can't be defeated, and you know
They're never going to come around
They just beat me up and break me down
Hoping I don't come around
Kick me when I'm on the ground
Beat me up, and break me down
Hoping I don't come around
Kick me when I'm on the ground
They just beat me up and break me down
Hoping I don't come around
Kick me when I'm on the ground
Beat me up, and break me down
Hoping I don't come around
Kick me when I'm on the ground
Beat me up and break me down
Hoping I don't come around
Kick me when I'm on the ground
Beat me up, break me down
Hoping I don't come around
Kick me when I'm on the ground


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