Adam Sandler - Masturbata vaizdo klipas

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Adam Sandler

Masturbata dainos žodžiai

Sitting in my house, and I know that I'm alona,

Feeling kinda horny, got a jingle in my bona.

Go and grab a Penthouse its the one with Sharon Stona.

Hey Masturbata!!

I go a little faster and its feeling kind of nicea,

Once ain't enough so I have to do it twicea.

If you wanna spank the monkey I can give you good advicea.

Hey Masturbata!!

I use some baby oil or a little Vaselina,

Laying down a towel so I keep my carpet cleana.

Never shake my hand cause you don't know where its beena

Hey Masturbata!!

I do it in the car when I'm driving down the streeta,

One hand on the wheel and the other's on my meata.

I can't get out the car cause I'm sticking to the seata.

Hey Masturbata!

Since I was a kid I have been a Masturbata,

Choke the chicken, hum the knob, squeezing the tomata.

I've looked at Ms. November now I'n gonna decorate her.

Hey Masturbata!

Buffing the banana, Mr. Lizard shaking bacona,

Pounding on the flounder and its mayonnaise I'm makinga.

Spank the frank, wax the carrot, god my hand is achinga.

Hey Masturbata!


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