4fun - Love or Leave vaizdo klipas

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Love or Leave dainos žodžiai

stars in the sky
when the shadows fall and the sunlight dies
empty streets are filled
with the pale lamplight
we are just two lonely shades
walking in the night
words lose their sense
when i feel you near
when i touch your hands
i’m trying not to think
that at break of dawn
you’ll be gone and i’ll be lost, numb and all alone

when the morning comes
i’m all alone
left to live another day
in joy or sadness on my own
when the morning comes
i’m all alone
every time at break of dawn
weak and unwise
i betray all fears
that i should disguise
melting in your arms
i fail to realise
why the mornings always change the colour of your eyes

when the morning comes
i’m all alone
every time at break of dawn
love or leave, i’m with and without you
how come i am up to this senseless game
how could i stop thinking about you
love or leave, don’t play with my heart again
love or leave, i’m with and without you
how come i am up to this senseless game
how could i stop thinking about you
love or leave, don’t play with my heart again


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