Ashlee Simpson - Love Me For Me vaizdo klipas

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Ashlee Simpson

Love Me For Me dainos žodžiai

It's been 3 days
You come around here like you know me
Your stuff at my place
Next thing you know you'll be usin' my toothpaste
Step off, sit down, get ready let me tell you who's the boss now
Stay here, get out, every time I turn around you're in my face
Don't care where you think you've been and how you're getting over
If you think you've got me now just wait it gets much colder

Here I am, perfect as I'm ever gonna be
You'll me for me
Stick around, I'm not the kind of girl you wanna leave
You'll me for me

Shut up, come back
No I didn't really mean to say that
I'm mixed up, so what
Yeah you want me, so you're messed up too
I love you, I hate you, if you only knew what I've been through
My head is spinnin but my heart is in the right place
Sometimes it has to have itself a little earthquake

Here I am, perfect as I'm ever gonna be
You'll me for me
Stick around, I'm not the kind of girl you wanna leave
You'll me for me

I've been waiting all my life to finally find you
Just so I can push you away
And when you're crawling over broken glass to get to me
That's when I'll let you stay

Here I am, perfect as I'm ever gonna be
You'll me for me
Stick around, I'm not the kind of girl you wanna leave
You'll me for me

Love me for me

Here I am, perfect as I'm ever gonna be
You'll me for me
Stick around, I'm not the kind of girl you wanna leave
You'll me for me


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